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851578 - Honey Porter
851578 - Honey Porter

Price: $31.49

Quantity in Stock:23

Availability: Ready To Ship
Part Number: 851578



Like most of our "honey" beers, this porter gets its honey flavor from Honey Malt, rather than actual honey. A full pound was necessary to get the flavor we wanted in a dark beer.

  • OG: 1.056
  • Color: 29 SRM
  • IBU: 27 - ABV: 5.5%
  • Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
  • Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-004

Brew Schedule

1lb Honey MaltSteep 20 Minutes at 155F
.5lb Chocolate MaltSteep 20 Minutes at 155F
.75lb BlackprinzSteep 20 Minutes at 155F
3lbs Pilsen DME60 minute boil
3lbs Gold DME60 minute boil
1oz Goldings hops60 minute boil
1oz Goldings hops5 minute boil
Ale YeastFerment at 64-68F

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Honey Porter was a big hit September 14, 2016
Reviewer: Major Industry Playah from Eau Claire, WI United States  
One of three homebrews which I served at the 2016 Major Industry Playah Family Reunion, the Honey Porter was a yuuge favorite of nearly all the guys in attendance.  The girls, for some reason, seemed to prefer the Ritebrew Blonde.  So many recipes, so little time; still I expect to make this one a staple.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 A spectacular porter regardless of the price January 8, 2015
Reviewer: Eric from Pittsford, NY United States  
I brewed this with a one week primary and three week secondary with a fermentation temperature in the mid to upper 60's.  It was pretty good two weeks after bottling.  It was great two months after bottling and keeps getting better.  I served this to a lot of guests over the holidays and everyone who likes dark beers loved it.  The flavor really comes out much more when served at cellar (50-60F) vs refrigerator temperature.

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