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851240 - Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone
851240 - Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Clone
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Price: $28.49

Quantity in Stock:27

Availability: Ready To Ship
Part Number: 851240



Clone of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

  • OG: 1.053
  • Color: 11 SRM
  • IBU: 39 - ABV: 5.4%
  • Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
  • Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-004

Brew Schedule

.75lb Caramel Malt 40LSteep 20 minutes at 155F
6lbs Gold DME60 minute boil
1oz Perle hops60 minute boil
2oz Cascade hopsSteep 10 minutes after boil, before cooling
American Ale YeastFerment at 68F

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review »

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 A great clone! February 28, 2014
Reviewer: Zeb from Appleton, WI United States  
What else can I say? Its really a great brew! It has a sweeter taste than the original, witch went over much better with friends. A simple and fun recipe to make!

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Good stuff! December 1, 2012
Reviewer: James Brooks from Lake Charles, LA United States  
On my second batch now. Seems to be a big hit with all the IPA lovers that have tried it. Looks like it has a new recurring home on tap 2. Enjoy!

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