851216 - Copper Alt
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An Altbier with a lovely Copper hue, this is an easy-drinking brew that anyone can enjoy. - OG: 1.052
- Color: 11 SRM
- IBU: 21 - ABV: 5.1%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-044
851268 - Red Ale
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Sweet and malty, this Red Ale is clean and crisp. Easy to drink, it pairs well with a late harvest festival of roasted turkey and vegetables. - OG: 1.047
- Color: 13 SRM
- IBU: 27 - ABV: 4.7%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-016
851302 - American Amber Ale
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Stretching the limits of the common Amber Ale, this one has plenty of malt and hop aroma, without the extreme bitterness of an IPA. - OG: 1.062
- Color: 15 SRM
- IBU: 38 - ABV: 6.7%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-004
851312 - Scottish Ale 60/-
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Scottish Ales traditionally used a long boil time to caramelize the wort, giving the beer a sweet, caramel flavor. This kit uses a healthy dose of Caramel malts to replicate that process. - OG: 1.031
- Color: 16 SRM
- IBU: 15 - ABV: 3.1%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-015
851314 - Scottish Ale 70/-
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Scottish Ales traditionally used a long boil time to caramelize the wort, giving the beer a sweet, caramel flavor. This kit uses a healthy dose of Caramel malts to replicate that process. - OG: 1.039
- Color: 16 SRM
- IBU: 19 - ABV: 3.8%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-015
851316 - Scottish Ale 80/-
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Scottish Ales traditionally used a long boil time to caramelize the wort, giving the beer a sweet, caramel flavor. This kit uses a healthy dose of Caramel malts to replicate that process. - OG: 1.048
- Color: 17 SRM
- IBU: 24 - ABV: 4.6%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-015
851334 - Irish Red Ale
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Roasted barley provides most of the color in this beer, giving it a dry finish. Hop bitterness and malt sweetness are well-balanced. - OG: 1.056
- Color: 17 SRM
- IBU: 17 - ABV: 5.5%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-005
851336 - Northern German Altbier
(Out of Stock)

One of the first steps taken towards making lager beers was Altbier. Ale yeast fermented at cooler temperatures, and an extended conditioning period results in a cleaner, crisper flavor than traditional ales. This Northern German variety is less bitter than the more common Dusseldorf type. - OG: 1.051
- Color: 17 SRM
- IBU: 31 - ABV: 5.1%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-044
851368 - English Mild
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A low-alcohol beer, mild refers to the lack of hop bitterness. The caramel and nutty flavors of the specialty grains will be the dominant flavors. - OG: 1.039
- Color: 18 SRM
- IBU: 17 - ABV: 3.8%
- Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
- Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-016