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851083 - Spotted Cow Clone (Partial-Mash)
851083 - Spotted Cow Clone (Partial-Mash)
Price: $23.99

Quantity in Stock:(Out of Stock)

Availability: Backordered
Part Number: 851083



Clone of New Glarus Brewing Co. Spotted Cow. A cloudy farmhouse ale, brewed with Flaked corn and barley.

  • OG: 1.049
  • Color: 4 SRM
  • IBU: 12 - ABV: 4.8%
  • Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
  • Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-044

Brew Schedule

2lbs 2-row Brewers MaltPartial-Mash
.5lb Flaked BarleyPartial-Mash
.5lb Corn FlakesPartial-Mash
4lbs Gold DME60 minute boil
1oz Fuggle hops60 minute boil
Kolsch YeastFerment at 62-66F

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review »

  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Very close to Spotted Cow August 28, 2016
Reviewer: Anonymous Person  
Tried this as per recipe and this is very close, mine was a little more bitter (could be full volume boil better utilizes hops) so I just ordered another and will only use 1/2 - 2/3 of bettering hops.  Will have to procure another 6er of the real thing to compare against!!

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Spotted cow amazing February 12, 2016
Reviewer: Elias Quintanilla from Barrington, Il  
Not sure how close it is to the original as I have not done a side by side comparison but this kit makes a amazing easy to drink beer!

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