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851336 - Northern German Altbier
851336 - Northern German Altbier
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Price: $25.99

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Availability: Backordered
Part Number: 851336



One of the first steps taken towards making lager beers was Altbier. Ale yeast fermented at cooler temperatures, and an extended conditioning period results in a cleaner, crisper flavor than traditional ales. This Northern German variety is less bitter than the more common Dusseldorf type.

  • OG: 1.051
  • Color: 17 SRM
  • IBU: 31 - ABV: 5.1%
  • Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
  • Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-044

Brew Schedule

.25lb CaraMunich Type ISteep 20 minutes at 155F
.25lb CARAFA Special IISteep 20 minutes at 155F
3lbs Munich DME60 minute boil
3lbs Pilsen Light DME60 minute boil
2oz Tettnanger hops30 minute boil
Ale YeastFerment cool, near 60F

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